Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Trees for the Next Generations

Trees for the Next Generations

Fiery dawn across the blue sky, black smoking halo for each species cry. A lot of us helping but too many stand still, we all die together each rainforest we kill. Think what we’re doing and look at the green, burned out and cut down the blackest you’ve seen. Reactions are important and it’s time to act now, our future is with us rainforest is how.

They’re really somewhere over there. I may not see a rainforest in my entire life .What should it mean to me?  I know that in this rainforest that I may never see is half of the world’s plants, animals, and insects live in harmony.

Trees are cut faster than we know, in these trees are where the creatures live, so now where will they go? I shall, you shall, they shall, and we shall protect the forest.

When next you see the wide –flung branches of a graceful pine, tell yourself “A sacred service is part and parcel of mine”. I resolve to protect all trees forever and guard their heavenly-sent beauty, and to save the forest of our land shall ever be my duty.

Remember, this world of ours is one of the most prestigious things that we own. So, act now before it’s too late. Or we will be abandoning the next generations.

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