Saturday, February 8, 2020

See You Again In The Future Us!

I have been counting down the days since the beginning of our Junior High School year. I could still remember, it seems like just yesterday that I was a scared little freshmen wandering these buildings and halls of Ilocos Sur National High School. And now, I am walking through the same halls wondering where the time has gone. We have spent four years together and that still doesn’t feel like enough for me. Let us not forget the adventures we have done, the countless tests we have completed, and most importantly some of the best friendships that we have ever made.

But this is it my friends, all of our lives are about to change. As we approach graduation and head our separate ways, I know there’s a bright future ahead of us and everyone has a dream in his life which they want to achieve. Future professionals like doctors, accountants, nurses, lawyers, engineers, architects, teachers are about to be born among us.

I have recently thought what job I would like to have in the future. It was a tough decision and question but I came to an answer. Since first year of high school to fourth year I was in the Special Science Class, and I will be taking STEM strand for my Senior High School in preparation for my college course. I want to become a Doctor. For me, it has got a lot of advantages over other jobs. Doctor is a profession which always be needed. People will always get sick or ill, we can’t change it but a doctor can help it. I know becoming a doctor requires long studies and a lot of hard work. But with all the sacrifices that my parents are exerting just to send us to school with my siblings, I don’t have reasons not to give my very best all the time. With firm determination, strong faith in GOD, good values and virtues, I assure I will have the best of life in the future, not because of the luxuries in life, but the richness of love and compassion to people and unending passion for God.

Whatever challenges and hindrances that we may encounter in the future, let us always be strong. Remember, we are strengthen by the trials we experienced as part of the Special Science Class for four years. Let us use it in every chapter of our lives… See you in the future fellas!!!

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  1. Keep on striving. Good luck to the next journey.

  2. Cherish whats ahead of you, Keep dreaming my brother!

  3. GREAT! I hope that you will become a successful someday buddy.

  4. Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.

  5. Keep it up. Believe in yourself and all that you are, know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. See you again my friend


Friends Forever!

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